Christopher Columbus Reaches Puerto Rico

January 9, 1493

During his second voyage, Christopher Columbus reaches the island of Puerto Rico, which he names San Juan Bautista.

Christopher Columbus Reaches Puerto Rico (1493-01-09)

On January 9, 1493, during his second voyage to the Americas, Christopher Columbus reached the island of Puerto Rico, a pivotal moment in the age of exploration.


Discovery and Naming

As Columbus and his expedition approached the island, he named it San Juan Bautista, in honor of St. John the Baptist. The island's original inhabitants, the Taíno people, called it Borikén.

Exploration and Encounter

Columbus and his crew explored the shores of Puerto Rico, marking another step in the European encounter with the Americas. The island's strategic location in the Caribbean made it a key point in subsequent voyages and a focal point of colonial interests.

Legacy of Exploration

The arrival of Christopher Columbus in Puerto Rico was a precursor to further exploration and colonization in the Americas. The island's rich history, cultural diversity, and significance in the colonial era continue to be studied and remembered.

Commemorating the Journey


As we reflect on January 9, 1493, let us acknowledge the complex historical implications of Columbus's journey and its impact on the course of history in the Americas.
