Texas Joins the Union: Becomes the 28th U.S. State

Statehood Achieved on December 29, 1845

Texas became a U.S. state on this day in 1845, joining the Union as the 28th state.

Texas Joins the Union: Becomes the 28th U.S. State

On December 29, 1845, a significant chapter in American history unfolded as Texas achieved statehood, officially becoming the 28th state to join the United States. The road to annexation and statehood marked a complex and transformative period for Texas and the nation.


The Annexation of Texas

Texas had previously declared its independence from Mexico in 1836 and existed as an independent nation for nearly a decade. On December 29, 1845, Texas was annexed by the United States through a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress. This decision paved the way for Texas to become an integral part of the Union.

Impact on the Nation

The annexation of Texas had profound implications for the United States. It expanded the nation's territory, bringing in a vast and resource-rich region. However, it also intensified tensions over the issue of slavery, as Texas entered the Union as a slave state, contributing to the complex dynamics leading up to the American Civil War.

Statehood Achieved

With the successful annexation, Texas achieved statehood on the same day, December 29, 1845. The Lone Star State, known for its rich cultural heritage and expansive landscapes, became an integral part of the United States, contributing to the nation's growth and development.

Legacy and Commemoration

As we reflect on December 29, 1845, we recognize the historical significance of Texas joining the Union. The state's unique history, shaped by its period of independence and subsequent annexation, continues to be an integral part of the diverse tapestry of the United States.

Commemorating December 29, 2023


On this day, we commemorate the 178th anniversary of Texas achieving statehood, marking its entry into the Union as the 28th U.S. state. The legacy of this historical milestone endures, contributing to the rich narrative of American history.
