Coronation of William the Conqueror: From Duke of Normandy to King of England

After Victory at the Battle of Hastings (1066-12-25)

William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, is crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey after his victory at the Battle of Hastings.

Coronation of William the Conqueror: From Duke of Normandy to King of England

On December 25, 1066, a historic chapter unfolded in medieval history as William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey. This momentous event marked the culmination of the Norman Conquest and reshaped the course of English history.


Background: The Battle of Hastings

William's journey to the English throne began with the Battle of Hastings, a pivotal conflict fought on October 14, 1066. William's decisive victory over King Harold II secured his claim to the English crown and set the stage for his coronation in the months that followed.

The Coronation Ceremony

On Christmas Day, 1066, Westminster Abbey became the backdrop for William's coronation. The ceremony, conducted by Archbishop Aldred of York, symbolized the Norman Conquest and the establishment of a new ruling dynasty in England. The coronation affirmed William's authority and signaled the beginning of a new era in English governance.

Legacy of William the Conqueror

William the Conqueror's reign had a profound impact on England. His administration introduced Norman feudalism, reshaped the English aristocracy, and left a lasting imprint on governance and landownership. The Domesday Book, a comprehensive survey of England commissioned by William, stands as a testament to the thoroughness of his rule.

Norman Conquest and English Heritage

The Norman Conquest marked a transformative period in English history, influencing language, culture, and governance. The blending of Norman and Anglo-Saxon traditions laid the foundation for the medieval English monarchy and shaped the evolution of the English language.

Remembering December 25, 1066


As we reflect on December 25, 1066, we recognize the significance of William the Conqueror's coronation as King of England. His legacy endures in the annals of English history, and the Norman Conquest remains a defining chapter in the rich tapestry of medieval Europe.
