The Granma Yacht Landing: Catalyst for the Cuban Revolution

Revolutionary Arrival in Cuba (1956-12-02)

The Granma yacht, carrying Fidel Castro and other revolutionaries, lands in Cuba, marking the start of the Cuban Revolution.

The Granma Yacht Landing: Catalyst for the Cuban Revolution

On December 2, 1956, the shores of Cuba witnessed a historic moment as the Granma yacht, carrying Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and other revolutionaries, made landfall. This event marked the beginning of the Cuban Revolution, a transformative chapter in the history of the island nation.


Setting the Stage

The Granma expedition was a daring and ambitious venture by Fidel Castro and his supporters. Departing from Mexico, the yacht carried 82 revolutionaries with the aim of overthrowing the regime of Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. The landing was planned to coincide with the uprising against Batista's rule.

The Landing and Initial Challenges

However, the landing did not go as smoothly as anticipated. The Granma encountered adverse weather conditions and navigational challenges, leading to a delayed arrival. Upon landing, the rebels faced immediate hostility from Batista's forces, resulting in a skirmish known as the Battle of Alegría de Pío.

The Spark of Revolution

Despite the initial setbacks, the arrival of the Granma and the determination of the revolutionaries ignited the spark of rebellion. Fidel Castro and his comrades, including Che Guevara, retreated into the Sierra Maestra mountains, where they regrouped and began guerrilla warfare against Batista's regime. This marked the beginning of a protracted struggle for liberation.

Enduring Impact

The landing of the Granma and the subsequent events in the Sierra Maestra laid the foundation for the Cuban Revolution. Over the course of the next few years, Fidel Castro's forces gained support, and on January 1, 1959, they successfully ousted Batista from power. The Cuban Revolution transformed the political, social, and economic landscape of Cuba.

Remembering December 2, 1956


As we reflect on December 2, 1956, we recognize the significance of the Granma yacht landing as a pivotal moment in the Cuban Revolution. This date symbolizes the resilience and determination of those who sought to bring about change, leaving an enduring legacy in the history of Cuba.
