Apollo 17: The Culmination of NASA's Apollo Program

Final Mission and Last Crewed Lunar Landing (1972-12-16)

Apollo 17, the final mission of NASA's Apollo program and the last crewed lunar landing to date, launches from Kennedy Space Center.

Apollo 17: The Culmination of NASA's Apollo Program

On December 16, 1972, a historic chapter in space exploration unfolded as Apollo 17, the final mission of NASA's Apollo program, launched from Kennedy Space Center. This mission not only marked the culmination of the Apollo program but also stands as the last crewed lunar landing to date, representing a pinnacle achievement in human space exploration.


Final Mission to the Moon

Apollo 17 carried a crew of three astronauts—Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt, and Ronald Evans. The mission objectives included scientific exploration, lunar surface activities, and the collection of valuable data to enhance our understanding of the moon's geology and composition. The crew's landing site was the Taurus-Littrow region.

Scientific Contributions

The scientific instruments and experiments aboard Apollo 17 contributed significantly to our knowledge of the moon. The crew conducted extensive geological surveys, collected samples, and deployed scientific instruments, including the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV),which allowed astronauts to explore larger areas of the lunar surface.

Eugene Cernan's Historic Walk

During Apollo 17, Eugene Cernan became the last person to walk on the lunar surface. His words as he left the moon's surface—"We leave as we came, and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind"—marked a poignant moment in space exploration history.

Legacy of Apollo 17

Apollo 17 contributed invaluable data and insights that continue to shape our understanding of the moon. The mission's success highlighted the remarkable achievements of the Apollo program and the dedication of the astronauts, scientists, and engineers who made these missions possible.

End of an Era

As Apollo 17 concluded its mission and the crew returned to Earth on December 19, 1972, it marked the end of an era in crewed lunar exploration. No crewed mission has returned to the moon since, making Apollo 17 a historic milestone that holds a special place in the annals of space exploration.

Reflecting on December 16, 1972


On this day, we reflect on the significance of Apollo 17 and the collective achievements of the Apollo program. The missions not only expanded our scientific knowledge but also demonstrated the boundless capabilities of human exploration and the indomitable spirit of discovery.
