National Day of the Horse: Celebrating Equine Contributions in the United States

Observance of Cultural and Economic Impact (2023-12-13)

National Day of the Horse is observed to celebrate the cultural and economic contributions of horses in the United States.

Significance of the National Day of the Horse

December 13, 2023, marks the National Day of the Horse in the United States, a day dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the cultural and economic contributions of horses to American society.


Cultural Heritage

Horses have been integral to the cultural heritage of the United States, playing essential roles in exploration, transportation, agriculture, and the military. They have been companions and partners in the development of the nation.

Economic Impact

The economic impact of horses in the United States is substantial. From the agricultural sector to equestrian sports and recreation, horses contribute significantly to various industries, supporting livelihoods and local economies.

Companionship and Recreation

Beyond their economic roles, horses hold a special place in the hearts of many as companions and sources of recreation. Riding, racing, and therapeutic interactions with horses contribute to the well-being of individuals across the country.

Education and Advocacy

The National Day of the Horse serves as an opportunity for education and advocacy regarding equine welfare. It encourages responsible horse ownership and highlights the importance of preserving and protecting these majestic creatures.

Join the Celebration


Whether you're an equestrian enthusiast, a horse owner, or someone who simply appreciates the beauty and contributions of horses, the National Day of the Horse invites you to join the celebration and reflect on the enduring bond between humans and horses in the United States.
