Apollo 17: Eugene Cernan, the Last Human on the Moon

Culmination of Lunar Exploration (1972-12-11)

Astronaut Eugene Cernan becomes the last person to walk on the Moon during NASA's Apollo 17 mission, concluding the era of lunar exploration.

Apollo 17 Mission Overview

On December 11, 1972, NASA's Apollo 17 mission made history as the final manned mission to the Moon, with astronaut Eugene Cernan leading the mission.


Cernan's Historic Walk

Eugene Cernan, the mission commander, became the last person to walk on the Moon's surface, leaving his footprints as a symbolic conclusion to a remarkable era of lunar exploration.

Scientific Achievements

Apollo 17 achieved significant scientific milestones, conducting experiments and explorations that deepened our understanding of the Moon's geology and provided valuable data for future space missions.

Legacy of Lunar Exploration

The conclusion of Apollo 17 marked the end of an era in lunar exploration, with no manned missions to the Moon since then. The achievements of the Apollo program continue to inspire space exploration endeavors to this day.

Eugene Cernan's Reflections


Eugene Cernan's poignant words as he left the lunar surface, 'We leave as we came, and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind,' resonate as a testament to the spirit of exploration.
