Abdication Crisis: King Edward VIII's Historic Decision

A Royal Scandal Unfolds (1936-12-11)

King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom abdicates the throne to marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorcée, in a historic royal scandal.


On December 11, 1936, King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom made a historic and unprecedented decision to abdicate the throne, sending shockwaves through the British monarchy and the world.


Romance and Controversy

King Edward's intention to marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorcée, sparked controversy as her previous marital history was considered incompatible with the role of a British monarch.

Abdication Speech

In a radio broadcast, King Edward VIII explained his decision, expressing his love for Wallis Simpson and acknowledging the challenges posed by their relationship to his royal duties.

Impact on the Monarchy

The abdication crisis had profound implications for the British monarchy, leading to the unexpected accession of King George VI and altering the course of royal history.

Exile and Marriage


Following the abdication, King Edward and Wallis Simpson faced exile from the United Kingdom. The couple eventually married, living a life outside the formal constraints of the royal institution.
