George Washington Proclaims National Thanksgiving Day (1789)

A Day of Observance for Gratitude and Thanks

U.S. President George Washington proclaims a national Thanksgiving Day, an observance of gratitude and thanks.


On November 26, 1789, a significant moment in American history unfolded as U.S. President George Washington proclaimed the first National Thanksgiving Day. This proclamation laid the foundation for a cherished tradition of observance, gratitude, and giving thanks that continues to resonate across the nation.


Historical Roots

The proclamation of a National Thanksgiving Day by President George Washington marked a recognition of the importance of gratitude and reflection on the bounties bestowed upon the fledgling nation. It had historical roots in the traditions of days of thanksgiving observed by early American colonists.

Presidential Proclamation

In his proclamation, President Washington expressed gratitude for the favorable conditions that surrounded the young United States. He called upon fellow citizens to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God and to join in offering heartfelt thanks for the blessings of peace, fruitful fields, and the opportunity to form a new government.

Establishing a Tradition

The proclamation of a National Thanksgiving Day by President Washington established a tradition that would endure over the centuries. While the date and manner of observance evolved over time, the fundamental concept of setting aside a day for expressing gratitude and thanks became an integral part of American culture.

Evolution of Thanksgiving Day

Over the years, the observance of Thanksgiving Day evolved into a national holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It became a time for families and communities to come together, share a festive meal, and express gratitude for the blessings of the year.

Time-Honored Tradition

President George Washington's proclamation laid the groundwork for a time-honored tradition that transcends religious, cultural, and regional boundaries. Thanksgiving Day remains a cherished occasion for Americans to reflect on the abundance of blessings and to come together in the spirit of gratitude.

Continued Significance

As we celebrate Thanksgiving Day each year, we are reminded of President George Washington's foresight in recognizing the importance of a national day of thanksgiving. The continued significance of this tradition underscores the enduring value of expressing gratitude and appreciation for the blessings that enrich our lives.


On this day, let us reflect on the historical proclamation by President George Washington and the enduring legacy of Thanksgiving Day. May we continue to embrace the spirit of gratitude, coming together with family and friends to give thanks for the abundance of blessings that grace our lives.
