Advocating for Journalist Safety: International Day to End Impunity (2023)

Observing the Day to Combat Crimes Against Journalists

International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists is observed to promote the safety of journalists and combat impunity for crimes against them.


November 23, 2023, marks the observance of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, a global initiative aimed at promoting the safety of journalists and combating impunity for crimes targeting media professionals.


Mission and Significance

The day serves as a crucial reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by journalists worldwide, emphasizing the need to address and prevent crimes against them. It highlights the mission to create an environment where journalists can work without fear of violence or persecution.

Combatting Impunity

One of the primary objectives of the International Day is to combat impunity for crimes against journalists. By raising awareness and advocating for accountability, the international community works towards ensuring that those responsible for crimes targeting journalists are held accountable for their actions.

Promoting Journalist Safety

Ensuring the safety of journalists is paramount for the free flow of information and the functioning of democratic societies. The day encourages governments, media organizations, and civil society to collaborate in creating conditions that safeguard journalists in their vital role as contributors to the public discourse.

Upholding Media Freedom

Media freedom is a fundamental human right, and the International Day to End Impunity serves as a platform to reiterate the importance of protecting this freedom. It calls for a commitment to press freedom, freedom of expression, and the overall well-being of those who contribute to the diverse landscape of global media.

Global Solidarity


The International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists fosters global solidarity in the face of challenges to press freedom. It encourages individuals and organizations to stand together in advocating for a world where journalists can carry out their work without fear, contributing to a more informed and democratic society.
