Rosa Parks and the End of Bus Segregation: A Landmark Supreme Court Victory

A Courageous Stand for Equality

The United States Supreme Court rules in favor of Rosa Parks, leading to the end of segregation on Montgomery buses in Alabama.

Step back in time to the era of civil rights and witness the profound impact of Rosa Parks' brave actions.

Montgomery's Segregation

Learn about the unjust segregation policies that plagued Montgomery's public buses.

The Day Rosa Parks Refused

Uncover the story of Rosa Parks' courageous refusal to give up her seat, setting the stage for change.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Explore the massive protest and boycott that followed Parks' arrest.

Legal Battle Begins

Discover how Rosa Parks' case made its way to the Supreme Court, challenging the status quo.

Supreme Court Decision

Learn about the Supreme Court's pivotal ruling and its implications for bus segregation nationwide.

The Winds of Change

Examine how this victory played a crucial role in the broader civil rights movement.

Legacy and Impact

Reflect on the enduring legacy of Rosa Parks and her contribution to the fight for equality.

Explore the remarkable journey of Rosa Parks and the landmark Supreme Court decision that dismantled segregation on Montgomery buses, leaving an indelible mark on American history.
