The Dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial: Honoring Sacrifice and Service
A Monument of Remembrance
Step into the solemn ceremony that marked the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
The Vietnam War's Legacy
Learn about the historical context and significance of the Vietnam War and the impact it had on American society.
The Call for a Memorial
Discover how the idea of a memorial to honor Vietnam War veterans gained momentum.
Design and Construction
Explore the selection of the memorial's distinctive design and the process of its construction.
The Wall's Unveiling
Witness the emotional unveiling of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, featuring Maya Lin's iconic design.
The Wall's Symbolism
Examine the symbolism and structure of the memorial's design and the controversy it initially sparked.
Honoring the Fallen
Learn about the profound act of leaving mementos and tributes at the memorial's wall.
Visiting the Memorial
Find out what it's like to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the impact it has on visitors.
Legacy of Healing
Explore how the memorial has contributed to the healing and recognition of Vietnam War veterans.
Discover the lasting importance of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial as a place of reflection, remembrance, and tribute to those who served and sacrificed during the Vietnam War.