Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: Honoring Unidentified Heroes (1919)

A Symbol of Sacrifice and Remembrance

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is established in Arlington National Cemetery, serving as a symbol of respect for all unidentified U.S. war casualties.

Delve into the history and importance of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a poignant memorial in Arlington National Cemetery.

The Origins of the Tomb

Learn about the events and sentiments that led to the establishment of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

November 11, 1919: A Day of Commemoration

Explore the significance of the memorial's dedication on the first Armistice Day after World War I.

Guarding the Tomb

Discover the unique traditions and solemn duty of the soldiers who guard the Tomb.

Unidentified Heroes: Who Lies Beneath?

Reflect on the mystery and sacrifice represented by the unidentified individuals interred at the Tomb.

Ceremonies and Honors

Learn about the rituals and ceremonies that take place at the Tomb, paying tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

The Tomb's Evolution

Understand how the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier has evolved and expanded over the years.

A Global Symbol of Remembrance

Examine the broader implications and worldwide resonance of the Tomb's symbolism.

Continuing Relevance

Consider how the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier remains a powerful symbol of honor, sacrifice, and remembrance in the modern era.

Reflect on the enduring significance of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in preserving the memory of those who gave their lives in service to their country.
