UN Resolution 3379: The Controversy Surrounding Zionism and Racism

A Historical Analysis (1975-1991)

The United Nations General Assembly passes Resolution 3379, which controversially equates Zionism with racism (later repealed in 1991).

Explore the tumultuous period in international relations from 1975 to 1991, marked by UN Resolution 3379's controversial equation of Zionism with racism and its eventual repeal.

Origins of UN Resolution 3379

Understand the historical context that led to the passing of Resolution 3379 and the diplomatic tensions surrounding the issue.

Impact and Controversy

Examine the immediate aftermath of the resolution, as it sparked heated debates and strained diplomatic relations among UN member states.

Repeal of Resolution 3379

Discover the events and factors that contributed to the repeal of the contentious resolution in 1991, including changing political landscapes.

Legacy and International Relations

Assess the lasting impact of Resolution 3379 on international relations, diplomacy, and the discourse surrounding Zionism and racism.

The Broader Context

Place Resolution 3379 within the broader historical context of the Israeli-Arab conflict, the Cold War, and international diplomacy during the late 20th century.

Contemporary Reflections

Consider how the controversy surrounding Resolution 3379 continues to shape discussions on anti-Semitism, Zionism, and international resolutions today.

Reflect on the complex history of UN Resolution 3379, its implications, and the lessons learned from this chapter in international relations.
