Jeannette Rankin: Pioneering Women's Representation in Congress

Breaking Barriers in 1916

Jeannette Rankin of Montana is elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, becoming the first woman to serve in Congress.

Dive into the groundbreaking moment in U.S. political history when Jeannette Rankin shattered the glass ceiling by becoming the first woman elected to Congress.

Early Life and Activism

Learn about Jeannette Rankin's upbringing and her early involvement in women's suffrage and political activism.

The 1916 Election

Explore the details of the 1916 congressional election in Montana, which propelled Jeannette Rankin into the national spotlight.

Congressional Career

Discover Rankin's congressional career, her legislative achievements, and her role in advocating for women's rights and social reform.

Champion of Peace

Delve into Rankin's dedication to pacifism and her historic vote against U.S. entry into World War I.

Impact and Legacy

Examine the enduring impact and legacy of Jeannette Rankin's historic election and her contribution to the women's rights movement.

Jeannette Rankin's Re-election in 1940

Learn about Rankin's later re-election to Congress in 1940 and her unique position as the only member of Congress to vote against U.S. entry into both World Wars.

Jeannette Rankin's election to Congress marked a significant milestone in the journey toward women's political empowerment, and her legacy continues to inspire future generations of female leaders.
