The Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917: Rise of the Red Guards

Petrograd and the Seeds of Soviet Change

The Russian Bolshevik Revolution: The Red Guards occupy key government buildings in Petrograd.

Delve into the turbulent times of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, with a particular focus on the Red Guards' occupation of key government buildings in Petrograd.

Background and Precursors

Understand the socio-political conditions and events leading up to the revolution, including the February Revolution, and the role of revolutionary factions.

The Red Guards Emerge

Learn about the formation and ideology of the Red Guards and how they played a crucial role in the revolutionary landscape.

Petrograd: A Hotbed of Revolution

Explore the significance of Petrograd (modern-day St. Petersburg) as a focal point of revolutionary activities.

The October Revolution

Detail the events of the October Revolution, where the Red Guards played a pivotal role in the seizure of power.

Consequences and Impact

Examine the immediate and long-term consequences of the Bolshevik Revolution, including the establishment of the Soviet Union.

Legacy of the Red Guards

Discuss the lasting impact of the Red Guards on Soviet history and their contributions to the development of the Soviet state.

Reflect on the enduring historical significance of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution and its role in shaping the 20th century.
