The Ivy Mike Test: Birth of the Hydrogen Age

Unleashing Unprecedented Power

The United States successfully detonates the first hydrogen bomb during the "Ivy Mike" test in the Pacific.

Delve into the world-altering event of the Ivy Mike test, where science and geopolitics intersected in a mushroom cloud of unprecedented power.

The Cold War Context

Understand the tense Cold War backdrop that led to the development of the hydrogen bomb and the United States' determination to stay ahead in the nuclear arms race.

Ivy Mike Unleashed

Witness the incredible scientific and engineering efforts that culminated in the successful detonation of Ivy Mike, unleashing a force equivalent to 10.4 million tons of TNT.

The Pacific Proving Ground

Explore the location of the Ivy Mike test in the remote Pacific Proving Ground, chosen for its seclusion and safety considerations.

Impact on the Cold War

Examine the consequences of Ivy Mike's success, which further intensified the Cold War rivalry and reshaped the global power dynamic.

Legacy and Remembrance

Reflect on the lasting impact of the Ivy Mike test on nuclear policy, geopolitics, and the pursuit of global security.

The Ivy Mike test marked a turning point in history, propelling the world into the age of hydrogen weapons and forever altering the course of the Cold War.
