Soyuz TM-31: Inaugural Journey to the International Space Station (ISS)

Pioneering the ISS's Human Presence

Soyuz TM-31 is launched, carrying the first resident crew to the International Space Station (ISS).

Delve into the landmark launch of Soyuz TM-31, a mission that inaugurated human presence on the International Space Station.

The International Space Station (ISS)

Get acquainted with the ISS, a marvel of international cooperation and a symbol of human achievement in space exploration.

Soyuz TM-31: The Historic Launch

Learn about the specifics of the Soyuz TM-31 mission and how it contributed to the ISS's legacy.

The First Resident Crew

Meet the brave astronauts and cosmonauts who became the ISS's very first resident crew, living and working in space.

Life on the ISS

Explore the challenges and triumphs of life in the microgravity environment of the International Space Station.

Space Cooperation

Understand how the ISS represents global cooperation in the pursuit of scientific progress and space exploration.

Innovation in Space

Discover the technological innovations that made the ISS and missions like Soyuz TM-31 possible.

Soyuz TM-31's Legacy

Reflect on the lasting impact of Soyuz TM-31 on human spaceflight and the future of space exploration.

Soyuz TM-31's launch marked a new era in space exploration, as the International Space Station became a home to a continuous human presence, fostering scientific discovery and international unity.
