Nevada's Statehood: A Pivotal Moment in the Civil War Era

The 36th State Joins the Union

Nevada is admitted as the 36th state of the United States during the American Civil War.

Discover the crucial role played by Nevada during the American Civil War and its path to statehood.

Nevada's Support for the Union

Learn how Nevada's swift admission was driven by its unwavering support for the Union cause.

The Riches of the Comstock Lode

Unearth the story of the Comstock Lode, the silver and gold bonanza that reshaped Nevada's destiny.

Statehood on the Fast Track

Explore how Nevada's quest for statehood was expedited due to the urgent needs of the Civil War.

The Path to 36: Nevada's Journey

Delve into the legislative and historical process that led to Nevada's admission as the 36th state.

Nevada's Enduring Impact

Understand the lasting contributions of Nevada to the United States and the West.

Nevada's statehood during the Civil War was more than a mere formality; it was a pivotal moment in American history, symbolizing unity and the promise of newfound wealth.
