The Madrid Conference for Middle East Peace (1991)

A Turning Point in Regional Diplomacy

The Madrid Conference for Middle East peace takes place.

Dive into the history and context of the 1991 Madrid Conference, a crucial diplomatic event aimed at establishing peace in the Middle East.

The Road to Madrid

Examine the events and tensions leading up to the Madrid Conference, including the First Intifada and the Gulf War.

The Participants

Explore the key players, including Israel, Arab nations, the United States, and the Soviet Union, and their roles in the negotiations.

Conference Format

Learn about the structure of the conference, its different tracks, and the issues addressed during the negotiations.

Landmark Agreements

Discover the significant agreements and resolutions that emerged from the Madrid Conference, shaping the course of the peace process.

Challenges and Obstacles

Analyze the hurdles and setbacks faced during the conference, as well as the subsequent developments in the region.

Legacy of Madrid

Discuss the lasting impact of the Madrid Conference on Middle East diplomacy and the pursuit of peace.

Subsequent Peace Talks

Track the progress made after the conference, leading to subsequent negotiations like the Oslo Accords.

The Madrid Conference of 1991 marked a turning point in the pursuit of Middle East peace, laying the foundation for further negotiations and diplomatic efforts in the region.
