The Execution of Leon Czolgosz: Justice for the Assassination of President William McKinley

A Chapter in American History

Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of U.S. President William McKinley, is executed by electrocution.

Delve into the execution of Leon Czolgosz, a defining moment in the aftermath of President William McKinley's assassination.

The Assassination of President McKinley

Examine the tragic events surrounding the assassination of President William McKinley and the shock it sent through the nation.

Czolgosz: The Assassin

Learn about Leon Czolgosz, the man behind the assassination, and his motivations for this heinous act.

The Trial of Leon Czolgosz

Explore the legal proceedings and trial that brought Czolgosz to justice, ensuring due process despite public outrage.

The Verdict and Sentence

Uncover the verdict and the subsequent sentencing that ultimately led to Czolgosz facing the electric chair.

The Execution

Gain insight into the details of Czolgosz's execution by electrocution and the reactions it stirred in the country.

Impact on American History

Reflect on the impact of McKinley's assassination and Czolgosz's execution on American history and the nation's political landscape.

Remembering the Past

Consider the enduring legacy of this historic event and its relevance in modern discussions of justice and political violence.

The execution of Leon Czolgosz stands as a solemn chapter in American history, reminding us of the nation's commitment to justice and the consequences of political violence.
