Preserving Our Heritage: World Audiovisual Heritage Day 2023

Celebrating and Safeguarding Our Audiovisual Legacy

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is observed to raise awareness about the importance of preserving audiovisual materials.

Discover the importance of World Audiovisual Heritage Day and why it's crucial to safeguard our cultural treasures.

Defining Audiovisual Heritage

Understand the broad spectrum of audiovisual heritage, from historic films to sound archives, and the role they play in our collective memory.

Why Preservation Matters

Delve into the reasons why preserving audiovisual heritage is essential for future generations and our cultural identity.


Learn about UNESCO's involvement in promoting audiovisual heritage preservation and the significance of their support.

Activities Worldwide

Explore the various events, initiatives, and celebrations taking place around the world on this special day.

The Digital Age Challenge

Uncover the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age in preserving audiovisual heritage.

A Call to Action

Discover how you can contribute to the preservation of audiovisual heritage and raise awareness in your community.

World Audiovisual Heritage Day is a reminder that our rich cultural history is worth preserving, celebrating, and passing on to future generations.
