Johnny Cash's Historic Folsom Prison Performance

January 13, 1968

Johnny Cash records his historic live album at Folsom State Prison, a significant moment in the world of country music.

Johnny Cash's Historic Folsom Prison Performance

On January 13, 1968, Johnny Cash made music history with a legendary live performance at Folsom State Prison. This iconic moment not only marked a milestone in Cash's career but also became a defining moment in the world of country music.


A Connection Beyond Music

Johnny Cash's decision to perform at Folsom State Prison was unconventional but proved to be a stroke of genius. The raw and authentic atmosphere of the prison provided the backdrop for a performance that went beyond music. Cash connected with the incarcerated audience in a way that transcended the boundaries of entertainment.

The Live Album

The recording of this historic performance resulted in the release of the live album 'Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison.' The album captured the energy, emotion, and unique spirit of the live show. It not only became a commercial success but also showcased Cash's ability to tell compelling stories through his music.

Cultural Impact

Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison performance had a profound cultural impact. It highlighted the redemptive power of music and brought attention to issues within the prison system. The performance is often celebrated for its authenticity and the way it resonated with audiences far beyond the walls of Folsom.


Today, Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison performance is remembered as one of the most iconic moments in the history of country music. It exemplifies the transformative power of music and the ability of artists to connect with diverse audiences.

Commemorating January 13, 1968


On this day, we celebrate the legacy of Johnny Cash's historic Folsom Prison performance. It stands as a testament to the enduring impact of music and its ability to break down barriers and touch the human spirit.
