In 1994, mankind discovered a network of Stargates that took them to the farthest reaches of the universe and unlocked some of history's greatest secrets. Since that time, they've carried us through travels to numerous planets and battles against relentless villains. They've brought to the surface the wonders of Atlantis and led us to conflict with the dreaded Wraith. Now, humanity is about to cross a new threshold with the activation of a new Stargate that links to incredible Ancient technology. Welcome to Stargate Universe.
A group of soldiers, scientists and civilians, fleeing an attack, find themselves stranded far from Earth on a mammoth Ancient ship known as the Destiny. They must live in the limbo of time and space, cling to the notion of hope, locked on an unknown course in search of home. Now the group's fates lie at the mercy of the ship as they face the challenges of meeting the most basic needs of food, water and air. Through the danger and adventures, some will be revealed as heroes, some will be shown as villains...and some won't make it out at all.
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- Category: Stargate Universe