I Am Legend 008

I Am Legend 008 Wallpaper is free to download high quality desktop and mobile wallpaper with many resolutions up to 1600x1200 pixels Robert Neville (Will Smith) is a scientist and he's trying to stop deadly virus which kills almost everyone people on our planet. Robert is somehow immune to this virus and he is actually only non infected survivor in the New York City. But he's not alone here. He is surrounded by the infected peoples which came out just at night and looking for food.

Robert Neville, for last three years trying to find serum for deadly virus and try to find any noninfected people, he is sending AM signals over radio. During the day he's looking for food and other suplies.

One day Robert make mistake and he doesn't return home before midnight. Will he survive? Will he get home before they killed him ???

I really suggest you this movie, but until then we offer you some I Am Legend Wallpapers here.