Terence Hill

Early Life and Career Beginnings

Terence Hill was born on March 29, 1939, in Venice, Veneto, Italy. He began his acting career at a young age, appearing in Italian films under his birth name, Mario Girotti. Hill's breakthrough role came in the early 1960s when he starred in the spaghetti western 'God Forgives... I Don't!' His captivating performance caught the attention of audiences and filmmakers alike, paving the way for his ascent in the world of cinema.

Rise to Prominence

Terence Hill rose to international fame with his role as Trinity in the 'Trinity' film series alongside Bud Spencer. The duo became iconic figures in Italian cinema, known for their dynamic on-screen chemistry and comedic timing. Hill's portrayal of the laid-back, quick-witted gunslinger cemented his status as a legendary icon of the genre.

Notable Works

In addition to the 'Trinity' series, Terence Hill has appeared in numerous spaghetti westerns and action-comedies throughout his career. Some of his notable works include 'They Call Me Trinity,' 'My Name is Nobody,' and 'Trinity Is Still My Name.' Hill's charismatic presence and knack for blending action with humor have endeared him to generations of film enthusiasts.

Personal Life

Outside of his acting career, Terence Hill is known for his passion for filmmaking and philanthropy. He has directed and produced several films, showcasing his talents behind the camera as well as in front of it. Hill is also actively involved in charitable work, supporting various causes related to children's health and education.


With his iconic roles, enduring popularity, and contributions to Italian cinema, Terence Hill has left an indelible mark on the world of entertainment. His films continue to entertain and inspire audiences across the globe, and his legacy as a legendary icon of Italian cinema will be celebrated for generations to come.

Terence Hill


  • Height: 184 cm
  • Sex: Male
  • fp.BIRTH_DATE:
  • Birth place: Venice, Veneto, Italy
  • Profession: Actor, Filmmaker
  • Nationalita: Italian